WHEYBETTER® are on a mission to change how the UK thinks about chocolate! Chocolate is now WHEYBETTER® for you and the whole family! We are what 83% of global consumers have been waiting for... a great tasting, healthier, more nutritionally balanced, functional, chocolate bar!

WHEYBETTER® chocolate can be enjoyed by the whole family at various times throughout the day...from commute, to office, school lunch box, pre or post workout… to just watching a film with the family... there is a #wheybettermoment for everyone.

Our motto at WHEYBETTER® is ‘life is about balance, so wear your halo off-centre!’ So, enjoy life, snack guilt free and indulge in a traditional-style chocolate bar that has no added sugar, is packed with protein, Rainforest Alliance certified, and includes various vitamin blends tailored to support your unique lifestyle needs.

The next time you reach for a snack, make it a WHEYBETTER® one. Trust us, snacking just got WHEYBETTER®!